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My Photoshop Creations and Manipulations - A Collection

 I have been using Adobe Photoshop for a long time, probably since I was 12. The first work of art I created was a portrait of Harry Potter using Adobe Photoshop 7.0. Since then I've been using it for small edits and manipulations, but I really got into it in my college days, discovering techniques such as layer masking and blending, among others. 

Here I present a showcase of my modest works:

Photo Manipulations:

When you lose yourself to the music - Tried the dispersion effect here on a friend who is a DJ.

Color Splash - Dispersion on a bouncy ball.

Losing my hair 

My last selfie before Thanos's snap

The Double Exposure effect - superimposition of the silhouette of a bird over a sunset

The man himself, peeking from behind some words written about him. This page belongs to a book called 'The Apple Revolution' by Luke Dormehl. Highly recommended to anyone wishing to know about Apple and the cultural milieu in its early days.

Nature's pages

Clockwork - a man and a city

My very first try at double exposure

The world inside is as vast as it is on the outside

Album art designed for the DJ in the first picture.



Portraits of my parents, made using the words 'Mother' and 'Father' in different languages

My very first digital portrait

Vector portrait of a friend

Portrait of Robert Downey Jr. as Sherlock Holmes

Self portrait

Portrait of Hermione Granger from Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Portrait of Anna Faris. Hers was one of the first vector portraits I made.

Low poly portrait of Heath Ledger as The Joker

Vector portrait of a friend made using Adobe Illustrator. I consider this my personal best :D

Other original works:
One of the many Micheal Jackson moves I tried to emulate in my teenage years.

Another album art for some relaxing music

Product of a wild imagination

Going crazy with a newfound skill.

That is all for now. Looking back at all these, it reminds me of a time when I would marvel at such digitally created pictures and portraits. Though I still have much to learn, I feel happy to have got this far, and it only motivates me to go further.

Until next time.


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